Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pettit Prince in danger on asteroid 325

As the Pettit Prince is searching for his rose he revisited asteroid 325 where the king with no court lived, yet he perceived an immediate danger upon his arrival, and in the dark lurks one of his first challenges, in order for him to move forward he has to beat the dark knight. This mysterious giant was formed out of the feeling of loneliness in the king’s heart. And it took shape in order to achieve the king’s wishes, which is to have subject again to do his biding.
So the prince backs away even do it’s to late, the Dark Knight has already spotted him and awaits to make his attack so that the prince can stay, this time for ever.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So I always wondered what jean grey would look like when she trained with Professor Xavier. So I figured that she would start with simple levitation of small objects with her telekinisis.

I don`t think that she started with flying cars or dismanteling of skyscrapers, specially with the mental locks that professor Xavier implanted in her brain.

And I also think that Professor X based his trainnig with a lot of eastern techniques you know like yoga, meditation, kundalini just because the basic lessons is inner calm to achieve greater mental awakinning. So that is the concept behind this drawing.

I think I made the head a little to big :P. anyways had a lot of fun doing it.